Thursday, October 1, 2015

It's Fall Y'all!

Yay! October is finally here! Fall is my most favorite season. (: I absolutely LOVE the crisp, Fall air with leaves falling all around. It is seasons like this one that I can't imagine why people don't believe in God.

Okay, so enough about that, time to catch up on what you've missed since my last post. For starters, Mr. Finley has started sitting with little assistance! He has started saying "mama", "dada", and "lola". He can roll from front to back and back to front. He is finally starting to get some rolls on him which makes this mama super proud! I don't think I've mentioned it on here before, but we were having issues with his weight gain: his pediatrician was saying that he wasn't getting enough milk from me and that we would have to supplement with formula. I stood my ground since he was happy, content, and meeting all other developmental milestones and finally she agreed with me that he was gaining and not losing, and he has stayed consistent on his own little growth curve, and he will just be tiny. (:

Brayden is growing so big too! He just got back from the beach with my parents a couple of weeks ago and he LOVED it! It was his first time at the beach and he is still talking about all of the things they did down there. He will be starting K4 on Monday and we are both excited about that! Even though he is only 3.5, he is so advanced for his age that they are letting him start the K4 class a year early. (: We have finally re-potty trained and it makes this mama's life so much easier! Some days we still battle with jealousy, but that is expected. (:

I have embarked on an amazing journey with my very own business! I have my own Mary Kay business and it is truly a life changing experience. The women you meet are so awesome and will become your friends of a lifetime. It is truly a blessing to be able to work from home when I want to and help my family out financially. (: My first goal in my business is to be able to earn the use of a FREE car!

Well, sweet little Fin-man is getting fussy, so I'm off to feed him and get my boys in bed. Whoever said that a mother of boys works from son up to son down was truly a genius. ;)

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